HOME > When looking for a house
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When looking for a house

You need a “home” to live in Japan.
There are three types of home:

1.Private housing

This is a house rented from a landlord.You pay house rent monthly.
You can find one from a real estate agent.
The website explains what you need when you rent a house. Please check it.<外部リンク>

2.Public housing

This is a house rented from the prefecture or the city.
You pay house rent monthly. To rent public housing, you need to go through the procedures at the municipal office.

3.Owned house

This is your own house that you bought.

For more information
Building and Housing Division, Construction Department, 1F of Motomiya City Office


Words that are frequently used when you look for a house
Real estate agent An agent that shows you housing
Landlord A person who lends a house. Consult with the landlord when you have a problem with the house you rent.
House rent Money to be paid monthly by a person who rent a house.
Management fee and common service fee Money to be paid for electricity and cleaning of the place that everyone uses.
Deposit The money you pay when you rent a house. It will be used for cleaning service when you move out the rented house. Any excess money will be returned.
Key money It is the money you pay when you rent a house. It will not be refunded
Brokerage fee It is the money you pay to the real estate agent who introduced you to the house.
Property insurance premium You are insured against fire and other disasters.

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